Friday, August 31, 2012

Comparing the FUE Hair Transplant Method to the Strip Method

The FUE hair transplant method is something to consider if you are balding and looking for an option. Another method that is used is called the strip method. Both can be affective, but they are actually very different from each other.

The FUE hair transplant method is a procedure to bring follicles to a different area of an individual's head. With this method, individual follicles are removed and placed in a new area. This method only requires a local anesthetic and it is not very invasive at all.

The strip method is similar in one way, but it is much more invasive a procedure than that of the FUE hair transplant method. The strip method removes a portion of the scalp from the back of the head, and then takes that piece a part to be transplanted to the needed areas. There is an incision with this method and general anesthesia is necessary.

As you look at these two methods, the FUE hair transplant type is obviously a less invasive one due to the use of an instrument that removes individual follicles rather than large areas of the scalp.

The problem with the less invasive type is that until recently it was only manually done, and it took a long time. Time changes technology however, and today there is a new way to do FUE hair transplant so that it is less time-consuming. Because it is less time-consuming it will likely cost less as well.

If you are balding and are looking at all of your options then you would be wise to look into the latter option. Not all doctors will offer this type as all of them probably do not have the training or the technology to do this. Most doctors likely offer the strip method.

It might take more footwork on your part, but if you are really serious about transplants, you might want to seriously search for one that will do the less invasive procedure. Before choosing one over the other, however; you should do a great deal of research on both methods. You will want to check into the financial side of both and well as the results that people have gotten. One has been around longer than the other, but that does not mean it is better, it just means no one thought of the new way until recently.

Having transplants is a big deal. Take the time to research and explore your options before jumping into it. You would also be wise to make sure that you do this for the right reasons. Make sure that your expectations for yourself are not higher than what can ever be met.

Monday, August 13, 2012

What You Ought To Know About Hair Loss

It's normal to see hair strands being shed at the shower or left on the pillow. But what's alarming to most people is when these strands appear greater in number than the usual and are lost more frequently. People who see their hair strands often on their brushes or on the floor all had that fear that one day all that will be left are their scalps.

But now, advancements in technology and medicine have made it possible to provide safer and more effective means to solve this problem. Knowing the basic and important things about hair loss will be good preventive and treatment measures.

Normal Hair Loss Cycle

An average adult has 150,000 hair strands. Losing 50-100 strands a day is normal. As any other, the hair strands follow a normal cycle.

At any point in time, majority of the hair on the scalp is growing. Each hair strand, independent of the others, follows the cycle on its own pace. This cycle consists of three phases: anagen, catagen and telogen. The first phase lasts for 2-6 years and is considered the growing phase. The second phase lasts for about 2-3 weeks and serves as the transitional phase of the growing of hair. The last phase is also known as the resting phase which lasts about 2-3 months. At the end of this phase, hair is shed to give way to the growth of a new and healthy strand.

Types Of Hair Loss

Alopecia is the term used to denote all types of hair loss. Different types characterize different occurrences of this condition.

Alopecia areata happens in the younger population. It happens suddenly, causing patches in the scalp. Hair regrowth is expected within 2-3 years.

Androgenic alopecia happens in both men and women. Men on their teens or early 20's may experience male pattern baldness. This is characterized by the loss of hair from the frontal or crown area that continues backwards. Women experience female pattern baldness during their 40's and is characterized by the thinning of hair on the entire scalp. This is another fact about hair loss: it affects both men and women.

Alopecia universalis is the condition of shedding all the hair in the body. This includes hair in the pubic area, eyebrows and eyelashes.

Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder wherein children pull out their hair. This can be attributed to psychological disturbances.

Telogen effluvium is a temporary type of hair loss. This is caused by the abnormal growth cycle where a large group of hair strands enter the resting phase altogether, leading to shedding of a larger number of hair.

Causes Of Hair Loss

A variety of factors contribute to this condition. The primary factor is age which is also considered a normal occurrence. Other reasons behind this condition include heredity, deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals, lifestyle routines, medical conditions, intake of certain drugs, way of styling the hair, and other factors. All these contribute to speeding the process of making hair brittle and prone to shedding.

Treatments For Hair Loss

For severe and diagnosed cases of hair loss, technology and medicine have different solutions. People suffering from hair loss may benefit from medications like Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia). The former can be bought over the counter and is applied on the scalp to stimulate the regrowth of hair. The latter is a pill that also helps hair to grow back and to slow down the process of shedding.

A lot of people suffer from this condition. But, being knowledgeable about hair loss facts and preventive measures will help lessen the adverse effects of this condition.